Monday, November 9, 2009

The Truth About Credit Debt Counseling Program and How it Affects You

What can a credit debt counseling program do for you? In the midst of often misleading advertising, hype and outright scams, it is important that the truth about credit counseling in order to know before diving

A Credit Counseling Program is just what you need to begin your journey to be debt free too. And it is a journey. You see, there is no simple solution or quick fix to debt problems. Anyone who tells you otherwise may be the bestInterests in mind.

What is a good credit counseling agency is doing, is to examine your case from the professional point of view and offer options for resolving your debt issues.

They should provide all details about your finances and credit, debts and income, as well as your short-and long-term personal financial goals. This is to bring you the best option (s) your situation and lifestyle are available.

The first thing you needto do is find a reputable counselor. This can be a challenge is a fraud company in abundance. But if you know what you can narrow your search and make the task much easier to find.

It is advisable to go for a non-profit organization. But they also note that some so-called non-profit organizations have been caught in crooked practices, you should not stop there.

Check with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) andthe Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA) as a list of reputable nonprofit organizations, you may have made.

Here are some red flags are to be respected when searching for a credit debt counseling program;

1. Upfront fees. Most reputable Credit Counseling Agencies will not ask for a fee before a conversation with you.

2. Claims that you now debt free. It takes time to help yourself with the bestin the world.

3. Delete, or cut your debts by 50% or more. A reputable debt counseling service will expect you to meet your obligations as such, is the honorable thing to do. If an agency promises to delete or cut your debts by a large percentage of this is likely to be a settlement, which could cause you other problems with tax problems.

4. Charging a high monthly fee based on your total debt. If you register in an ongoing program, such as debt consolidation and / or educational program, you can expect a monthly fee. But this should be a flat rate, you should know in advance.

5. If the agency staff work on commission, run!

It should also pointed out that a credit debt counseling program can in your ability to obtain new credit impact. In general, it will show on your credit report that you are in counseling. Some lenders will work just do not want to take with you when you are in> Advice.

Even if your advisor will negotiate for lower interest rates on your behalf, some prices might actually rise. If you want to go the debt consolidation route, you will be asked to close some accounts that will have a negative on your credit score, how.

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